Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Play-Doh Is Sorry It Sold Your Child a Toy Penis

Play-Doh Is Sorry It Sold Your Child a Toy Penis

You know that excited, blissful feeling on Christmas morning? When you scramble downstairs with a bounce in your step and a sparkle in your eye? And then you hunker under the tree to greedily unwrap your new penis-shaped Play-Doh dispenser? Because after this holiday season, a whole bunch of kids and parents do. And Hasbro would like you to mail the penises back and not say another word about it, please.


from Gizmodo http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/Vr-2U6yKpk8/hasbro-wants-to-replace-your-childs-play-doh-penis-1676581828


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